Toward a Better
Understanding of
By Theodore E. Grubbe,
District Psychologist,
Castro Valley Elementary School District
September 1963
Much has been written and much has been said about the
uniqueness and special considerations of the Kindergarten. The material
is generally good, and often gives the Kindergarten teacher
ideas, clues, and specifics in which she may improve the program. Concepts
relating to giving the teacher an understanding of the
Kindergartners' behavior often leave much to be desired, or are
so complicated and complex that real understanding is difficult.
Behavior is complex, and no one is absolutely certain of anything
in spite of the many scholarly researches that are being
continually carried on and reported in professional literature.
Progress is being made, but the ultimate and absolute answer is
yet to come. It is interesting to note that the more recent
researches and theories advanced relating to the dynamics of
human behavior tend to favor more of a social approach in developing
an understanding in the "why" of behavior.
The writer, having sampled and having been involved in the
smorgasbord of behavior and learning theories with their many contradictory
and contra-contradictory recipes, has chosen an approach which
was first introduced in the early 1900's and is finally receiving recognition
from many independent and isolated sources. Early in his career
as a psychologist, Alfred Adler, M.D.
(1870-1937) rejected the idea that behavior was pre-determined,
and politely informed his colleague, Dr. Sigmund Freud, of his
new ideas. Dr. Freud did not appreciate Dr. Adler's ideas, and
according to people who were around at the time Dr. Freud firmly
suggested that Dr. Adler not bother the Vienna Psychoanalytic
Association with such far fetched concepts. Freud continued with
his work, as did Adler. There are similarities between the two,
but perhaps the major difference is that Adler felt that
behavior was purposive and goal-directed, while Freud
postulated that people could not help what they did because
of the unconscious which was dictating and making the individual
act the way he did. Both agreed that early training had its
effect upon the individual, and that the relation of the child to
his parents was important, but they parted company at this point.
The concepts presented in this paper are based upon the
concept that behavior is purposive and goal-directed. To those
not sophisticated in psychology, the ideas appear to be more of
common sense than anything else. To those who have read and studied psychology,
the concepts may be contradictory to the beliefs held. It is
hoped that at the least the Kindergarten teachers and others may
gain some understanding of the challenges that the 5-year old
The first portion of the paper describes some behavior
characteristics of the 5-year old, based upon research. The
purpose is to distinguish between behavior that might be considered
normal for that behavior which takes on a purpose other than
usefully contributing to the group. For example, the attention
span of the 5-year old is not too long and to expect him to stay
at a task too long could create problems based upon his physical endurance
rather than an adjustment problem. Most Kindergarten teachers are
well aware of the characteristics of the 5-year old; however,
perhaps the parents who read this paper may not be.
The second part of the paper deals with the psychological
dynamics that occur with the Kindergarten child. They are by no means
complete but hopefully give a basis for understanding. The
bibliography is included for those who are interested in going
into more detail about the dynamics of purposive behavior.
Characteristics Which Affect the Content and Materials
- Physical Characteristics:
- Incessant physical activity
- Predominant use of large muscles
- Inept with small muscles
- Rapid growth of heart; pulse rapid
- Little immunity to communicable disease
- Social Development:
- Cooperates with limited number of children
- Inept in social relations
- Racial and group consciousness evident
- Spontaneous imitative play
- Egocentric, selfish, competitive
- Interests:
- Predominance of short, specific transitory
- Interests selfish, egocentric
- Mental Development:
- Use of materials largely manipulative and
- Inderstanding developed through active
participation and firsthand experience
- Difficulty in differentiating between fantasy and
- Time-space concept slow to develop
- Meaning of words limited to child's own
- Use of language to meet social situations
(From Unit Teaching in the Elementary School, pp.
38-43, by Hanna, Potter, and Hagman.)
The Psychological Challenge
of the Kindergarten Student
The child, upon entering school, meets with one of his
earliest and severest tests. The school is a new situation for
the child; it will, therefore, reveal how well the child has been prepared
to face new situations and particularly how well he has been prepared
to meet new persons.
This paper is not concerned so much with the beginning student
who has developed a feeling of worthwhileness and is able to effectively
cope with new challenges, as it is with the discouraged student
who makes his appearance at school. When the child has begun to
lose faith in himself, discouragement has made its appearance.
The discouraged child will quickly make himself known by his
behavior. He will tend to avoid useful roads and normal tasks. He
will continually be searching for another outlet, a road to
freedom, and early success. He chooses the path that is always
attractive to the discouraged individual--the path of quickest
psychological success. On the first day of school, such indications
can be noticed as crying, reluctance to leave the mother, temper
displays, over-reacting to stimuli, stubbornness, fighting,
bullying other students, and so on. All of the above types of
behavior, and others not mentioned, demonstrate the discouraged
child taking the path of easy success. The success takes the form
of gaining attention of some sort from either the mother or the
teacher, manipulating the adults to become involved with him,
either through pleading, coaxing, displaying anger or sorrow, or
some type of involving behavior. This is in contrast to the
courageous student who will rely upon himself and accept
Neither the Kindergarten teacher nor anyone else can change
what has happened in the past; however, if the Kindergarten teacher
has developed an awareness and a sophistication of the
understanding of children's behavior, she will be in a position to
help the child develop a better feeling of social usefulness.
Ideally, the Kindergarten should serve as a mediator between the
home and wide world of reality. It should not be a place merely
for academic learning, but a place where the knowledge and art of
living should be taught. Through an understanding of the dynamics
of behavior in children, the Kindergarten teacher can redirect
the discouraging misbehavior of children to that of something
more useful. In actuality, the Kindergarten teacher is in a
position to do more than any other person within the entire
school makeup. This, in effect, places a grave responsibility on
the teacher and her importance cannot be minimized. Conversely,
the Kindergarten teacher with a lack of understanding can further
increase the discouragement of the child to a point where the
problem could possibly continue throughout the child's school and
adult life. It is well to point out that occasionally there are
children for whom little can be done to help because of
impossible home situations; however, the vast majority of
children with intense feelings of inferiority and inadequacy can
be helped to function more positively.
The following implications are pointed out to give the
Kindergarten teacher a basic premise for developing an
understanding of children's behavior. The more competent and experienced
teacher may find that the concepts are merely a reinforcement of
her own ideas, while the newer teacher may find them helpful in
providing her with a basic framework from which to work. To some,
the psychological basis for the ideas may seem foreign as they do
differ to some extent from the more commonly taught theories of psychological
behavior in many of the universities and colleges.
Every action of the child has a purpose. His basic purpose is
to find his place in the group. The child who has developed a feeling
of worthwhileness and equality; who has been prepared to meet the
challenges of life; who has learned to accept responsibility,
will find his place in the group, will meet with the requirements
of the group, and will make his own useful contribution to the
group. The discouraged or misbehaving child is trying in his own mistaken
way to feel important. This may be the child who has never been
allowed to take care of himself to any extent because his mother
thought he was too little, or his mother found it easier to do
things for the child which normally he should have done for
himself. The child may lack the feeling that he can contribute
usefully to the family and the school, with the result that he
may feel important ONLY when he is getting the authority angry, annoyed,
or involved with his misbehavior.
Although by five years the general personality pattern of the
individual is fairly well established, it is possible and often
simple to redirect misbehavior into constructive behavior. To
effect changes, however, the authority must be aware of the
purpose or goal of the misbehavior and also have the maturity to
remain reasonably objective in an emotional crisis, but still
maintain a friendly interest in the child. By five years of age,
the Kindergarten child has developed a sense of sophistication in
terms of his awareness of adult reactions to his misbehavior. He
is usually not consciously aware of the purpose of his
misbehavior, but in a general way he is aware that what he does
creates a type of reaction from the adult authority. For example,
the child who is noted for "taking back" or "sassing
the authority" is well aware that he may get his mouth
washed out with soap, get a spanking, or something else as
equally uncomfortable physically; however, more importantly, he
is successfully able to provoke the authority and in reality
control and manipulate their emotions. The young child probably
knows the vulnerable and weak points of his parents far better
than the parents know them themselves. By the time the child
reaches Kindergarten, he has developed many tools and techniques
in which he finds a short cut to recognition and a negative type
of status. In the process, the Kindergarten teacher becomes his
next "victim." However, if the Kindergarten teacher
possesses wisdom, maturity, and skill, the process can be slowed
down, altered, and in the vast majority of instances, the child's
ambition to misbehave can be generally redirected to an ambition
to contribute usefully to the group or class and society. If no
effective changes result from the Kindergarten program, the first
grade teacher has a more difficult job in effecting positive
changes because the child has gained more strength in learning
the success from his misbehavior, the misbehavior will continue
to persist and develop in intensity as time goes by.
The purpose or goal of the misbehavior can often be discovered
by the authorities (parent or teacher) by their own reaction to
the behavior. If, for example, the Kindergarten teacher finds
herself becoming continually impatient and annoyed at the child
who persists in being the last one out of the room, slow to put
his coat on, can never find the right thing at the right time, the
teacher can be reasonably certain that the goal of the child is
just that--to make the teacher impatient and annoyed. If the teacher
(or the parent) reacts in the way she feels, the success of the
misbehavior is strengthened. It is not unusual to find teachers
continually reminding children to "hurry up" or express
impatience at their slowness. If the teacher took time to discuss
the matter with the parents, the chances are very probable that
at home the same type of behavior is evident. So what then, is
the role of the teacher and the parent?
When the child is misbehaving, DO NOT REACT to your first
impulse or act upon it. By reacting, the authority tends to intensify
the behavior problem rather than correct it. When the authority
does so, he is acting in accordance with the child's expectations.
The child will expect you to get mad and if you do, the child has
won. He may not like the reprimand he gets; however, he has
manipulated you into it. A simplified rule of the thumb is to do nothing
or to react the opposite from the way you feel. This will negate
the effect of the success of the misbehavior and place the
authority in a better position to effectively arrange with the
child what to do about the situation.
* NATURAL CONSEQUENCES is a method which allows the
child to realistically experience the result of his own behavior.
For example, the child who dawdles in the classroom in putting
away his materials may find that the class has gone on to some
other activity and he is left out; or the child who plays around
and forgets to come to dinner after being called will discover no
food is left. The usual first impulse of the parent or the
teacher is to hurry the child, and use personal authority to get
the child to come. If the first impulse is followed, the
responsibility of the child's actions becomes that of the
authority rather than of the child where it truly belongs. Continued
involvement by the authority will only tend to make the child
more dependent and less able to assume the responsibility of his
own behavior. If real danger is implied in the child's
misbehavior, it may be necessary to protect the child from the
The Kindergarten teacher usually is the child's first
consistent outside authority. Often the teacher may wish the
children to obtain some item from home to assist in the program. Perhaps
one of the father's old shirts is necessary for protection from easel
paints. The pattern of dependency can be either increased or
redirected to helping the child assume responsibility for his behavior
at this stage. If, for example, the mother or father persists in checking
up and seeing to it that the child has all the necessary items,
the child will normally lose the incentive to be positively
ambitious. If, however, it becomes the child's responsibility to
ask the parents for the shirt or some such item, and the child
forgets (and even though the mother is well aware of the need for
the item) the natural consequence of his forgetting is that he
cannot participate in the activity in which the item is required.
The Kindergarten is the beginning. If the parents do not let
the child assume responsibilities which are his (and which he is able
to assume), the pattern could continue in the first grade with
parents checking up on homework and other things which essentially
are the child's problems. In the upper grades, where homework and
other outside requirements are a necessary part of the
curriculum, it is not uncommon to find students whose primary manner
of getting their work done is through coercion from the parental
authorities. Sometimes these students are described as reluctant
learners. Aside from not doing homework they may have problems in
reading and other academic areas. Although this is by no means
the only cause of learning problems, it does occur enough so that
it can be considered highly important.
be taught essential habits and skills. Manners are learned and
must be taught. The Kindergarten teacher must take time to teach
the children the rules and regulations that are a part of the group.
Training should be at regular and at calm times until the
particular skill or lesson is learned. It should not be done
during times of conflict or stress. For example, the Kindergarten
should have regular lessons on how the children line up for
recess, playtime, or fire drill, etc. Once the teacher is
convinced the children know what is expected of them, natural or logical
consequences can be used. The children may be lining up for a play
activity outside when general chaos breaks loose. Perhaps the
teacher's first impulse is to strongly reprimand the children,
give them a long lecture on the rules, and generally set down the
law. This action on the teacher's part may calm down the children
and they may line up at the time properly-but what have they
learned? Rather, it is suggested that the teacher not act upon
her first impulse, but firmly and quickly, with little emotion as possible,
get the children back to their seats and go on with another
entirely unrelated activity. The result--the children were not
able to manipulate the teacher's emotions or make their purposive
behavior successful and lost out on an activity which presumably they
would have enjoyed.
* AUTHORITY DEAFNESS. The child who is used to
lectures, constantly being reminded about things, being told over and
over to do things, and ultimately made to do something, often
will develop a symptom of deafness which has no medical basis.
The child may be "mother deaf" at home and very easily
could become "teacher deaf" at school, if the teacher
responds to the child's behavior in a way in which the child
expects and has learned that authorities do. Whenever possible,
SAY THINGS ONLY ONCE. If the child does not pay attention to the
statement that only those with clean desks may use the play
equipment, the consequence is that he does not use the play
equipment. Often the child will suddenly become aware of what he
is missing; then, perhaps he may use another tool, such as
tearful sobbing, "the teacher hates me and is mean,"
etc. to gain what he wants. The teacher's reaction should be that
of firmness with perhaps a mild interest in the child's
situation, pointing out to the child that she is sorry, but that
is the way it is.
In moments of real conflict, action is far more effective than
talking. Arguments can develop from talking and the child can defeat
the authority if this occurs. Never explain to a child what he
already knows. If a knock-down, drag-out fight occurs in the
class and it is necessary that it be stopped (school rules), firm
and quick action should be taken but not emotional, uncontrollable
anger at the children's behavior.
* THE DIGNITY OF THE CHILD. If the Kindergarten teacher
as well as the parent treats the child as an equal, but with different
responsibilities, the opportunity for growth is increased.
Equality, in this sense, does not mean that the authorities are equal
to the child in terms of skills, maturity, knowledge, experience,
or responsibilities; rather, it implies that each individual is worthy
of respect and worth in his own right. As an example, if the building
principal of a school is convinced that he is a better person
because of his position and training, the effectiveness of his
leadership is minimized. Ideally, the building principal would
feel equal to the teachers as a person; however, his role and
responsibilities are different. He must, as a part of his
position, evaluate the teaching staff and the teaching. He must
make administrative decisions and on occasion provide didactic
leadership. He makes judgments as to whether teachers are
effective in their work, etc. All of this does not make the principal
a better or superior person. The medical doctor presumably knows considerably
more about medicine than does his patient, but this, again, does
not make him a superior person--his KNOWLEDGE is superior. The
Kindergarten teacher has the responsibility of the children in
the class. She must teach skills and arts. She must evaluate and
discipline. She must see that rules and regulations are followed;
but if she treats her student as inferiors, learning is impeded.
* ACCEPT THE CHILD AS HE IS. The child who discovers
that his misbehaving ways are not getting him what he desires
will need attention and affection in other ways. Doing things
together for fun or enjoyment is extremely important. Children
need affection, attention, and love as a plant needs water.
Children need encouragement. Through encouragement, the child can
develop the courage to grow and to mature-to become a useful,
contributing member of the group. He will have the courage to try
new things.
* MOTIVATION. The human infant is the only being on the
face of the earth whose mind develops faster than his body. He becomes
aware that others can do things that he cannot do. This awareness
of his own inferiority becomes the basis for motivation. The child
becomes aware that his older siblings walk about and do things.
The child becomes motivated to do the same, and eventually
accomplishes this goal. He finds that communication is essential,
so thusly, the desire to talk. This is true of the child who, through
love, affection, and acceptance, has developed courage to meet
new challenges. An example of a child who lacks courage perhaps
is a child who does not learn to talk, although mentally and
physically he should be able to. An examination of the dynamics operating
might reveal parents who have thwarted normal growth through
pampering and over-indulgence. Perhaps they have done things for
him that he should have done for himself. Perhaps they have never
let the child learn to speak for himself, but anticipated his needs
and wants and never let him have the thrill of attempting a new endeavor.
The child with self-assurance in the Kindergarten will
basically want to learn new things. He wants to know how to use scissors
and to learn how to cut. He will want to know how to use the
various equipment. He may make mistakes, but if he has courage,
his basic motivation is that of continual improvement and
progress. The motivation to learn to read is inherent in the
child with courage and a feeling of worthwhileness.
The one dynamic force behind motivation is that of
inferiority. Man, because of his inferiority in communication,
has developed such devices as radio and television. The same force
is behind the desire to reach outer space. The Kindergarten student
has the same force behind him, creating the motivation to achieve
new heights, so to speak.
General and Specific Consideration
We have explored some concepts that offer a framework of
understanding and helping the Kindergarten student grow. Although
the emphasis has been on the misbehaving child, the same general
principles apply to all children. It is well to point out that in
this short paper only the highlights of this approach have been
touched. The bibliography suggests readings which will fill in
many of the missing areas and perhaps clarify points or concepts
which may appear hazy because of oversimplification.
The following are specific examples of misbehavior that are
not too uncommon to the Kindergarten student. The examples are
followed by a suggested action or actions, based upon the
previously discussed concepts.
Most Kindergarten teachers have experienced this situation.
Usually, the child is hanging on to the mother, sobbing quite profusely,
while the mother is looking embarrassed and pointing out to the
child how nice school is, etc. The teacher is also attempting
perhaps to give reassurance to the child, pointing out how
wonderful the class is, etc.
It is obvious from the expressed symptoms that the child has
involved one, or perhaps both adults in manipulative behavior. The
more the mother coaxes and pleads, the more resistive the child
will become. Depending upon the intensity of the mother's
involvement with the child, it would be well not to respond to
the child's tears or any of his behavior, but rather to take the
child by the hand firmly, and unemotionally bring him to the
class. Talking, pleading, etc., will do little or no good for this
is what the child wants. If the intensity of involvement is such
that a scene or open warfare would develop from the above suggested
action, then it would be best to calmly but firmly send the
mother (or father) home with the child and arrange to discuss the
problem with the parents at a later time. At the conference, the
main concern would be that of discussing the purpose of the child's
behavior and perhaps give the parents some encouragement in
letting the child develop more courage.
The important thing to remember in situations as described
above is for the teacher to keep her mind on the major problem--that
of getting the child into school or the classroom. Side issues of
crying, rudeness, sassiness, etc., have little meaning to the
real issue other than that the child is running through a
repertoire; techniques to get what he wants by resisting what the
authority wants. It is quite possible that if the teacher can
convey to the parents of the child who is sent home that they
should say nothing more about the incident--not plead or talk--or
discuss the situation in any form at all at home--the child may want
to come on his own the following day.
He refuses to dress; strongly resists attempts on the parent's
part to go to school; uses many reasons for not going, such as he hates
school, the teacher is unfair, he doesn't like school, the
teacher is unfair, he doesn't like school, hates to learn, and so on.
The child's expressed reasons for not wanting to go to school
will coincide fairly well with the parent's conscious and verbalized
reasons why the child should go to school--or clues that may not
be so overtly expressed but still picked up by the child. A good
point to remember is that the child is probably more aware of the
parent's vulnerable areas than is the parent himself. The school
teacher's child might use the excuse or reason that he does not
want to learn and that education is unimportant (in his own
terminology), as might the doctor's child find that school has
certain undesirable germs that would necessitate avoidance of the
situation. If the parent or the teacher responds to the
"trap" that is set up, they have lost.
The child is not too interested in the long-range goals of
education; rather, he is more concerned with the immediate
response of the authority. If he can control the authority into a
bargaining situation, he "has the world by the tail." A
new toy might bring cooperation for a day or so, but very shortly
the new toy (or bribe) might approach the national debt on a family
level. Suppose the parents couldn't care less whether the child
went back to school or not? In other words, suppose the problem were
given back to THE CHILD? If he didn't go to school, he must stay
at home--for this is the rule. The natural consequence of the
situation is that he misses out on what is going on--but more
importantly, he has lost control or power over the adult authority.
The purpose of not wanting to go to school is not that of
resisting school attendance, but rather that of demonstrating his
power over the authorities. The easy way to gain success is that
of creating a problem in which the child holds the power. Unless
the child is truly disturbed, or his need to control the
situation is so great that it overshadows his basic social
responsibility, he will be back in school very quickly--providing
he does not meet with success with his manipulative behavior.
Because of the power the child potentially has in such
situations, the unsure parent or educator can become an easy mark
for the child. It is not uncommon for the parent to give in
readily because the parent feels that if the child goes not go to
school it certainly demonstrates how poor a parent she is. The
teacher who is vulnerable can quickly come to the conclusion that
she must demonstrate how desirable it is for the child to be in
her class. It is obviously possible to force the child to come to school.
The mother can "drag" and "pull"; the teacher
can "hold" and "force"; and Daddy can issue
didactic ultimatums....Who wins?
A child with this symptom lacks courage to actively
participate in socially acceptable activities. The purpose of
this symptom may be a way to avoid a possible failure. If he says
something, he might be wrong; but if he says nothing, he can't be
wrong. Making the child talk or applying pressure to get a
response can only increase the child's mistaken goal. However, to
make his lack of talking fruitless or meaningless to the group
situation may possibly produce a positive aggressiveness. Such a
child needs much encouragement but he does not need a
reinforcement of his social behavior. If he does not want to
talk, this is HIS problem, and through encouragement it can
become his problem and possibly the strength can develop in him
to do something about the problem. The strength will never develop
when the child succeeds in gaining reinforcement for his lack of courage
through parental and teacher authority attempting to get him to
talk and expressing a feeling of sorrow about the "poor"
child. Realistically, the Kindergarten teacher can accept the
child for what he is at the time. If he doesn't want to talk,...
"tough"; however, the teacher provides many
opportunities with no qualifications for the child to speak if he
so desires. Encouraging opportunities, but not pressing
opportunities. His not speaking means very little to those
involved-the consequences or authority involvement are nil if he
says noting; but on the other hand, he has everything to gain if
he does speak. The teacher might ask, "Would you like red or
green paper?" No response means no paper--a response would mean the
paper in the color of his choice. Such a program is not
accomplished overnight; however, progress is most rewarding and evident
if the teacher is able to consistently bear in mind not to act
upon or reinforce the purpose of the particular symptom.
Stubbornness or resistiveness is often the child's way of
showing off his power. It is well to remember never to fight with children,
for in reality, they are stronger.
The young child engaged in a power struggle does not assume
the responsibility for the consequences. he will use any tool at his
disposal. Obviously, the authority through greater physical
strength can temporarily make the child yield to his will, but even
in this situation the child has won and the next situation
involving the child and the authority will be more difficult to handle.
In the classroom situation, if the child refuses to mind, a
consequence can be arranged which places insofar as possible, the
responsibility of the child's misbehavior upon the child himself.
Power-mad children are immediately evident by their misbehavior.
Their goal is to gain and to maintain control over their
environment. In school, it is perhaps to keep the teacher
continually after him--keep the teacher upset--take the teacher's
time for his own personal gains, and so on. If the teacher can
arrange for the child to be quickly removed from the classroom
when the child's misbehavior is obviously detrimental to the
teaching situation, the child is not getting what he wants. This
is especially true when there is as little emotion as possible
used. The basic concept in this type of situation is NOT to
become involved in the power struggle. Perhaps the child refuses
to clean up a mess he has made--defiantly demands that the teacher
"make him." It would be best to ignore the situation in
terms of authority involvement but the consequence is that the
child cannot participate in any other activity until his job is
Normally, the purpose of such behavior is that of gaining
attention. If he gets attention for his misbehavior, he is
temporarily satisfied, but will want more until it reaches the
point that the only time he is getting attention is when he is
misbehaving. Generally, reversing the situation can help the
child. He receives little or no attention when he misbehaves but
does get his share of positive attention when he is following the
Some situations of children's misbehavior have been discussed
in terms of their purpose. It would be impossible to list every possible
type as the number would exceed that of infinity. The type of
behavior is not as important as the purpose behind it, and in a
broad sense, the purpose behind all behavior is that of the
individual trying to find ways to overcome his feelings of inferiority.
The child with a real feeling of adequacy and self-confidence
will meet the challenge in socially useful and contributing ways.
He will overcome his inferiority in reading by learning to read.
The discouraged child will find the quickest and easiest way out.
He might attempt to prove his superiority by not learning to read
and defeat all attempts on the part of authority to make him
The Kindergarten teacher should be aware and accepting of the
fact that she did not create the discouragement in the child. Rather,
this has occurred during the first four or five years of the
child's life. However, the teacher can either increase the intensity
of the discouragement by becoming a part of it, or can be very
instrumental in helping the child gain a better feeling about
himself through redirecting his goals to a more positive
direction. The child can change if he understands the errors of his
misbehavior and has the courage to try new and more socially
acceptable ways. One of the most important factors is to give children
the materials to develop courage. If the child loses hope, he
will never want to try new challenges. He will retain his old
ways and never want to give them up-whether it be withdrawing and
avoidance, whether it be a need to overpower his environment, or whatever-he
will never change if he has given up hope. There are many
difficult situations that the child must meet as he grows up, but
he must never give up or lose hope.
In a program of redirecting the child's misbehavior, the home
situation cannot be separated from the school. What has happened
and is happening at home is reflected in the child's actions at
school. If the parents are using considerable force, either
physical or emotional, to make the child mind and conform, the
Kindergarten teacher will be confronted with a student who
expects and demands the same at school. Therefore, it is of prime
importance that the parents also be helped in understanding the
purpose of their child's behavior. The same concepts previously
discussed apply equally to the home situation. Children are not, themselves,
consciously aware of the purpose of their misbehavior. If an
awareness can be obtained, the purpose loses its impetus. For
example, at school the teacher might casually ask the child if it
is possible that he is acting the way he is to get attention from
the teacher. At home, the mother might suggest to the child that
his misbehavior could possibly be a way to get her annoyed,
especially if she is feeling annoyed at what the child is doing. Never
accuse or state bluntly your interpretation of the child's
misbehavior, for undoubtedly he will deny it or become defensive.
At best, it is a matter of curiosity on the part of the
The family constellation can be a factor in the child's
discouragement. He may, for example, be an only child; or he may
be the oldest child dethroned by younger siblings. He may be a
middle child competing to overcome his older sibling with a younger
sibling pushing behind him. He may be the youngest and possibly
has given up trying to compete with his older siblings; or he may
be a boy with all-girl siblings; or a girl with all-boy siblings.
Knowing the family constellation, the teacher is in a better
position to understand the child and effectively help him.
Other factors which could contribute to the child's
discouragement are such things as being a very beautiful child
whose beauty has been exploited to such an extent that the child
feels that the only contribution she has to make to society is
her beauty. Physical problems, whether real or imagined, can also
be factors. Because of some handicap, the parents may hamper and
hinder the child's development by feeling sorry and becoming
When the authorities (parents and teacher) have decided to
take a plan of action relative to re-directing the child's goals,
it is important to be cognizant of the fact that the child will feel
reluctant to give up something familiar to him. (This does not
mean that he does not want to basically, unless he has become so
discouraged that he has given up all hope of succeeding in more useful
ways. If this is the case, it is advised that outside
professional help be obtained.) If, for example, the child
becomes aware (and he may immediately) that his behavior is not
gaining for him what he wants-such as sassing does not get the parents upset-he
will intensify his misbehavior in an attempt to regain control.
The child who has been pampered and over-protected becomes
concerned when his mother will no longer dress him in the morning
to go to school and he will undoubtedly become more dependent in
an effort to keep the old ways going. The child may even develop
symptoms of tiredness and show extreme unsureness at doing things
he had previously done to some extent in the past. It is during
the period that the authorities must demonstrate great strength
on their part and keep their minds on the specific thing they are trying
to do. The child in his clever way will do almost anything to
retain the familiar. The more discouraged the child is, the more
reluctant he will be to give up his way of living. Normally, at
the Kindergarten age it is not uncommon to see rather dramatic
changes within a day or so. Most changes occur within a week.
The Kindergarten teacher may on occasion be confronted with a
child who is so discouraged that he would be considered emotionally
disturbed. In such cases, there would be very little, if any,
communication between the child and the authority. The child may
be so withdrawn that no stimuli has any effect; or the child may
be so "power-mad" that very little the authority attempts
has an effect. In such cases, it is advisable to seek out professional
help. A referral to the school psychologist would certainly be a
To develop courage, the child needs love, warmth, and
affection. He needs to feel accepted for what he is now, not for
what he could be. He needs to be trusted and in turn he learns to
trust. He needs guidance and training. To follow the rules, he must
be made aware of them. He must develop the courage to be
imperfect so that he can learn and profit from his mistakes. Creativity
is inherent in young children and this must not be stifled by
MAKING a child fit a mod. Children basically and inherently want
to behave, to learn, and to contribute.
As can be seen, the Kindergarten teacher plays perhaps one of
the most important roles in the child's school life. Not only is it
important for the Kindergarten teacher to know the methods and
techniques of presenting materials and activities to her students,
it is more important for the teacher to UNDERSTAND children.
The following bibliography is by no means exhaustive nor
complete. They are writings upon which much of the material on this
paper was based. They are recommended as follow-up reading in
which additional information may be obtained relating to
goal-directed psychology.
Adler, Alfred, THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN (First published in
1930, reprinted in 1935, 1947, and 1957) Bradford and Dickens,
London, 1957.
An excellent book for both the professional and lay
person. It is well written and thought-provoking.
Adler, Alfred, THE PROBLEM CHILD (The Life Style of Difficult
child as Analyzed in Specific Cases), Translated from the French
by Guy Daniels. Capricorn Books, New York, 1963.
Adler's concepts come to life in his spontaneous dealings
with children who were brought to him. "Problems arising
out of the family constellation, of spoiling by father or
mother, of feeble-mindness, bed-wetting, etc.," are made
comprehensible in a near artistic way.
Adler, Alfred
All of his other writings are also highly recommended,
Dreikurs, Rudolf, THE CHALLENGE OF PARENTHOOD, New York,
Duell, Sloan and Peirce, 1958.
This book, written by a contemporary Adlerian
Psychologist, is highly recommended to parents. Dreikurs categories
the child's goals into four and dynamically relates them to
behavior of children. Professionals also can profit from this
highly provocative book.
This excellent book is primarily designed for teachers. It
demonstrates, discusses, and puts into practice in an educational
setting the four goals of misbehavior.
(Newer titles added by editor.)
Dreikurs, Rudolf and Soltz, Vicki, CHILDREN THE CHALLENGE
A child guidance classic.
Dreikurs, Rudolf and Grey, Loren, LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES: A NEW
An excellent follow-up to CHILDREN THE CHALLENGE
Dreikurs, Rudolf, Grunwald, Bernice,, and Pepper, Floy,
A well-illustrated, practical guide for teachers.
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