Description of Brief Therapy
Our approach is based on Adler's original writings, as well as the work of Anthony Bruck, Alexander Mueller, Lydia Sicher, and other Classical Adlerians. We train students in Adler's style of treatment: a warm, gentle, Socratic technique that respectfully challenges clients.
The following chart outlines the four stages of Classical Adlerian Brief Therapy (CABT), which may be sufficient for a client's needs. (In other cases, Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy may be necessary to dissolve the style of life and fictional final goal, or support the client's aspirations for optimal development. See link for chart outlining the twelve stages of CADP.)
Our team of Classical Adlerian training analysts provides distance training in Classical Adlerian Brief Therapy (CABT) to mental health professionals and students anywhere in the world, via telephone, Skype, and e-mail. With their individual mentors, our students engage in: home study of audio-recorded seminars and video-recorded therapy demonstrations; supplementary reading of rare, unpublished materials; weekly discussions, personal study-analysis, and case consultations by telephone; self-paced progress; and customized training to match their professional interests and needs.
Mastering the art of Classical Adlerian Brief Therapy takes more than learning a theory and a series of strategies. It requires ongoing mentoring from a highly experienced clinician whose character reflects Adlerian philosophy. This experience allows students to grasp the necessary depth of feeling and trust in the therapeutic process. Larger institutions rarely offer this master-apprentice relationship. Our training analysts work with a limited number of psychotherapists in order to bring each of them to a high level of mastery. Adler handed down a remarkable legacy of therapeutic artistry to a small group of first generation Adlerians. Each of them trained a few others very comprehensively. This tradition of quality and depth cannot be translated effectively into large group instruction. Only a mentor with expertise in Adler's original principles and therapeutic style, who has completed an effective study-analysis, can offer the personal relationship necessary for training of this caliber. Mentors may alter the content and length of courses to facilitate individual progress.
Certification: 18 Months
Certification recognizes that participants have earned a sufficient level of knowledge and skill in the practice of Classical Adlerian Brief Therapy. A prerequisite for certification is the fulfillment of any local licensing requirements in counseling and psychotherapy. We do not award academic credit or degrees, so these requirements need to be earned at an academic institution; essentially, we offer post-graduate professional training. However, individuals may begin work with us if they are enrolled in a master's or doctoral program. Most of our students are licensed counselors, psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, and physicians.
Courses (For descriptions, follow the links.)
I. Theory
DTB101: Basic Theory and Philosophy
DTB102A: Intermediate Theory - Part I
DTB102B: Intermediate Theory - Part II
II. Study-Analysis
DTB201: Personal Study-Analysis
III. Practice
DTB301: Case Analysis and Treatment Planning
DTB302: Individual Adult Brief Therapy
DTB303: Couple Brief Therapy
DTB304: The Socratic Method in Brief Therapy
IV. Case Study & Supervision
DTB401: Basic Case Study
DTB402: Case Consultation
V. On-Site Experiential Workshop
DTB501: On-Site Experiential Workshop (3 days)
VI. Optional Courses for Supplementary Certification
DTB601: Career Assessment and Guidance
DTB602: Organizational Consulting
Time and Cost
The full certification program in CABT takes 18 months of weekly study. Students must also participate in a minimum of one 3-day, on-site, experiential workshop, where they work on personal issues face-to-face with our training analysts and other students. Cost of the 18-month program in CABT: $16,000-$18,000, depending on the amount of study analysis and case supervision needed.
Additional Certification in Career Assessment & Organizational Consulting
A supplementary certification in Career Assessment and Organizational Consulting may also be earned, adding 3 months of study and case consultation, and about $3,000 to the cost.
Study-Analysis & Workshop
Students must engage in a personal study-analysis in order to experience the therapy process first-hand. Our annual, 3-day, on-site, experiential workshop offers an opportunity to work on personal issues face-to-face with our training analysts and other students. Participaton in at least 1 workshop is required for certification. (Our training analysts have been attending for over 15 years.)
Registration: Getting Started
Students work with a mentor to develop a personalized plan that builds on their prior training and experiences. To begin the development of a plan, e-mail a copy of your Curriculum Vitae to Henry Stein ( and then call Dr. Stein (360-647-5670).
Henry T. Stein, Ph.D., is a Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapist, senior training
analyst, and director of the Alfred Adler Institutes of San Francisco and Northwestern Washington. He
studied with Sophia de Vries and Anthony Bruck who were trained by Alfred
Adler. For more than thirty years, he has been training psychotherapists
with an approach based on the original teachings and therapeutic style of
Alfred Adler, as well as the clinical and philosophical writings of other
Classical Adlerians. His own contributions to
Classical Adlerian clinical practice include a comprehensive adaptation of
the Socratic method, a thorough exposition of the twelve stages of
psychotherapy, and an integration of Abraham Maslow's and Alfred Adler's visions of
optimal human functioning.
Dyanne Pienkowski, M.A., MFT, a Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in Millbrae, California, combines over twenty years of training with Dr. Stein & Dr. de Vries with exceptional knowledge and skill in substance abuse treatment. She has specialized in substance abuse treatment for over 35 years and is certified as a Master's Addiction Counselor (MAC). Co-director of the Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco, she offers on-site mentoring to anyone living in the Bay Area, or telephone-mentoring to students located anywhere in the world. For more information about her background, go to Paths to Becoming an Adlerian.
Martha E. Edwards, Ph.D., is the Founder and Director of the Center for the Developing Child and Family at the Ackerman Institute for the Family in New York City. Dr. Edwards brings over 20 years of Classical Adlerian study, first with Dr. Adele Davidson and then with Dr. Stein, to her therapy practice with individuals, couples and families, and to her students. She offers on-site mentoring in the New York City area, as well as telephone-mentoring to students located anywhere in the world. For more information about her background, go to Paths to Becoming an Adlerian.
For additional information, contact:
Henry T. Stein, Ph.D., Director
Alfred Adler Institute of Northwestern Washington
2565 Mayflower Lane
Bellingham, WA 98226
(360) 647-5670