Distance Training in Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy:Course DT305: Brief, Group, and Marathon Therapy
Objective: |
To learn the discipline of efficient, brief therapy, including the use of graphics, based on the techniques of Anthony Bruck. To learn the creative strategies used in weekly and one-day marathon group therapy. |
Reading: |
Selected published articles and unpublished manuscripts on brief therapy, by Anthony Bruck. Adlerian Graphics for Brief Therapy, by Henry Stein, based on Anthony Bruck's original drawings. Selected reading in group therapy. Handouts from the five-day master seminar. |
Audio: |
Adlerian Brief and Group Therapy Techniques, a five-day master seminar conducted by Henry Stein. (Thirty hours) |
E-mail: |
Comments and questions. |
Discussion: |
Five hours of telephone conferencing. |
Time: |
Five weeks. |
Cost: |
$1,080.00 |
Note: |
Prerequisite: Courses DT101, DT102A, DT102B, DT201, DT301, DT302A, DT302B
Outline of Course Content
- Anthony Bruck's guidelines for creative brief therapy.
- Graphic clarifiers for teaching practical Adlerian principles. Charts for promoting self-evaluation.
- Books that provide helpful insight and inspiration.
- Socratic questioning for securing relevant information and generating action-oriented solutions to problems.
- Case examples of presenting problems and therapeutic solutions.
- Establishing an issue or theme oriented group series. Evaluating client readiness for group.
- Principles of group treatment. Time and activity structure of group.
- Eliciting individual expectations and commitments. Techniques for involving all group members.
- Using role-playing and psychodrama to experiment. The group as a social microcosm.
- Homework and extended support/challenge networks. Closure and termination or commitment renewal.
- Principles of marathon treatment--differences from weekly group format.
- Selection of participants, mixing issues and progress levels. Invitation and explanation of process.
- Appropriate setting and facilities. Time and activity structure for the day.
- Setting realistic contracts for one day. Securing group consent for interventions
- Preparing for and staging emotional breakthroughs. De-briefing, group closure, and commitments for follow-up.
- Advantages and limits of telephone counseling. Liability issues. Commercial "900" services--potential and risks.
- Counseling by mail or audio tape. Written questionnaire for saving information-gathering time.
- Technology of computer on-line counseling. Commercial on-line services: Compuserve, America-On-Line, Delphi, Prodigy, etc.
- Running a private on-line bulletin board.
- Organizing case notes and analysis with available computer software programs.
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Distance Training Course DT305: Brief, Group, & Marathon Therapy
Tuition: $1,080.00