Distance Training in Classical Adlerian Depth PsychotherapyCourse DT306 Substance Abuse Diagnosis, Assessment, & Treatment
Instructor: Dyanne Pienkowski, M.A., MFT
Objective: |
A Unique Combination of Substance Abuse and Adlerian Training, this course provides an opportunity to learn innovative Adlerian techniques and strategies for working with alcoholic/chemically dependent clients. The creative Adlerian approach enhances traditional substance abuse treatment models and AA/NA recovery programs. |
Reading: |
Topic outline, course handouts, selected articles. |
Audio: |
Complete recording of a one-day, seven-hour course, including lecture, group discussion, and a demonstration of a substance abuse intake interview. |
E-mail: |
Your comments and questions. |
Discussion: |
Three hours of telephone discussion, with Dyanne Pienkowski. |
Time: |
Three weeks. |
Cost: |
$540.00 |
Note: |
Prerequisite Courses DT101, DT102A, DST102B, DT302A, DT302B, & DT301.
Course Content
Course overview:
- Identifies and defines the addiction syndrome
- Reviews the history of addiction
- Discusses the physiological, psychological, and social variables involved in making an accurate diagnosis
- Provides case studies to illustrate diagnosis and treatment
- Case vignette exercises to improve diagnosic skill
- Demonstration of questioning a client using the Socratic Method
Topics include:
- Contemporary perspectives on patterns of alcohol and drug abuse
- Assessing the extent of current use/abuse
- Tracing the effects on society (the individual, family, and community)
- Survey of available treatment alternatives
- Developing an effective treatment and/or referral plan
Participants will learn to:
- Recognize the symptoms of addiction
- Make appropriate interventions and referrals
- Recognize and make appropriate interventions with affected family members
- Utilize current programs of recovery (AA, AlAnon) as an adjunct to treatment
Topic Outline
- Introduction
- History and Contemporary Perspectives
- Alcohol
- Street Drugs
- Cocaine/Crack
- Heroin/Opiates and HIV
- Marijuana/Psychedelics
- Abuse vs Addiction
- Definitions of Abuse, Use, and Misuse
Definitions of Addiction, Habituation, and Dependence
- Assessment and Diagnosis
- Symptoms Imitate Other Psychological Disorders (and Medical Problems)
- DSM-IV Criteria
- Patterns of Use, Symptoms, Emotional, Spiritual, and Cognitive Impairments
- Assessing Appropriate Level of Care
- Outpatient
- Inpatient
- 12 Step Programs
- Pharmacological Models (Methadone, Antibuse, Naltrexone)
- Social Setting Models (Day Programs, Residential Treatment)
- Psychotherapeutic Models (Dynamic, Behavioral, Group)
- Prevention Models
- Dual Diagnosis
- Assessment and Treatment
- Addictive Behavior and Mental Health Diagnosis
- Self Medication as a Treatment Issue
- Treatment Modalities
- The Medical Model
- Modern Adaptations of the Disease Model
- Diagnostic Materials
- Therapeutic Communities
- Inpatient
- 28 Days
- 30-60-90 Day Residential
- Detox Only (3-5 Days)
- Intensive Outpatient
- Day Treatment
- Special Topics
- Recovering Alcoholics/Addicts as Therapists
- Ethical and Legal Issues
- Recognition and Intervention With Family Members
- Co-Dependency - Is it Really a Disease?
- Recognizing Symptoms
- Breaking Through Denial
- DSM-IV Diagnosis
- Individual, Group, Family Therapy
- Effect of Substance Absuse on the Individual, Family, and Community
- Basic Adlerian Principles
- Inferiority Feeling
- Striving for Significance
- Security, Belonging, and Self-Esteem
- Development of Social Interest
- Creative Power
- Adlerian Treatment Approach (Strategies)
- Encouragement
- Cooperation
- Use of Early Recollections
- Socratic Method
- Missing Experience
- Correcting Life Style Mistakes
- Case Presentation and Role Playing
- Summary/Closing
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Distance Training Course DT306: Substance Abuse Diagnosis, Assessment, & Treatment
Tuition: $540.00
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