Alfred Adler Institutes of San Francisco and Northwestern Washington

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"The Main Idea in Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy," by Henry Stein

In a brief introduction presented to the faculty of the Ackerman Institute of the Family on May 10, 2006 in New York City, Dr. Stein clarifies the main idea in Classical Adlerian depth psychotherapy, enumerates the benefits of the process, and emphasizes the essential qualities of the psychotherapist.

"First Impression of Alfred Adler," by Sophia de Vries

In an interview with Henry Stein on May 20, 1980, in San Francisco, Sophia de Vries recalls her first impression of Alfred Adler and his lecturing style. Sophia studied with Adler, as well as Lydia Sicher and Alexander Mueller, and inspired the re-birth of Classical Adlerian theory and practice in the United States. Her biography is at http://www.Adlerian/dev-bio.htm .

"Remembrances of Lydia Sicher," by Sophia de Vries

Sophia recalls her impressions of Lydia Sicher, Adler's first assistant in Vienna, who was "a faithful defender of Individual Psychology." Sicher's biography may be found at Her writings have been published in "The Collected Works of Lydia Sicher: An Adlerian Perspective," edited by Adele K. Davidson, Ph.D..

"Remembrance of Alexander Mueller," by Sophia de Vries

Sophia offers her impressions of Alexander Mueller, who was the Director of the Swiss Society of Individual Psychology, and served as the First Secretary of the International Association of Adlerian Psychology." Mueller's biography may be found at He saw many connections between the writings of Ortega y Gasset and Alfred Adler, as well as the existentialist Heidegger. His book, "You Shall be a Blessing," emphasized the philosophical and spiritual implications of Individual Psychology. It was published by the AAISF in 1992. .

"Remembrance of Fritz Kunkel," by Sophia de Vries

Sophia discusses her introduction to Adler's ideas through the lectures of Fritz Kunkel in Holland. Kunkel provided an excellent, popularized approach, that served as a stimulation to explore a deeper study with Adler. Later in his career, Kunkel moved more in the direction of Jungian psychology..

"Classical Adlerian Psychotherapy and AA," by Dyanne Pienkowski

Dyanne Pienkowski, a Classical Adlerian psychotherapist, is interviewed by Henry Stein about the compatibility of Adlerian psychotherapy and Alcoholics Anonymous..

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